Riley Hollobaugh

First year graphic designer at Seattle Central Creative Academy.

Category: Graphic Design


A quick poster for a homework assignment. I used a complementary color scheme of blue-green and red-orange. The different tints of the two hues give the poster a sense of dimension.

48 Hour Film Project

My final project for 1st quarter graphic design class was to design a poster for the 2013 48 Hour Film Festival. For those of you who are not familier with the event, the 48 Hour Film Project is a once a year event that happens in cities across the globe: Seattle, New York, London, Beijing, Osaka etc…, the event challenges amateur fim makers along with pros to form a team and write,  film, edit and present a short film in just 48 hours. Each team is randomly given a character, a prop, a line of dialogue and a genre that they must include in their film. After 48 hours the film is due and is presented in a local theatre.

After researching all this I really want to participate in the actual event. I’ve been apart of a 24 Hour Play Project and these kind of events are a blast. I would highly recommend getting involved in the Film Project.

Back to the assignment. After a week of research I had quite a few different concepts. Ranging from focusing on how international the project was down to how chaotic trying to execute each shot would be. After group critique with fellow classmates I remembered the quote that began the Film Project in the first place “Would films made in only 48 hours even be watchable?” BAM, I thought of a new concept: What would a Hollywood movie look like if filmed in 48 hours? From there with the help of my classmates we had the idea of making a poster series based on that concept. Each poster would be a different Hollywood movie from a different genre. It was a great idea but with the time at hand (2 weeks) I only had time to execute one poster. I decided to make a poster based off “What would the Transformers look like if filmed in 48 hours?”


Photo Credit- Vickie Mao

I decided that the best way to execute this poster was to make it look like a actual movie poster and to do that I needed a photo. Instead of just looking online for a photo that would match the concept in my head I took on the challenge to execute the photo myself.  I’ve never done this before and I’m not a photographer so I was lucky to get the help of the amazing photographer Vickie Mao. The next thing I needed was transformer like armor made out of cardboard. I wanted it to look like it was whipped together with limited time. And coming to my rescue was Nikita Shea, out of nowhere she had a old co-worker that actually happened to make cardboard armor on his free time. The only scary part was that I couldn’t see what the armor looked like until the day of the shoot. Luckily it exceeded all of my expectations. After only a hour or two of shooting with the help of my good friend Brendan, I had the photo I needed. And the following week with help from the photoshop-wizard Galen Drew. I finished the poster.

The creation of this poster was a great experience. It really enforced how much I love working with people and how much I need to work on typography….

This poster would not have come to life without the help of my awesome friends. Thanks guys!

Final Poster